Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Enchanting Gold Guide: Disenchanting

This one was tough to write about as a solo profession because most items in Cata aren't posted for very cheap yet. Also if you haven't noticed Auctioneer hasn't released a version that supports searching for items that require levels higher than 450. You are able to download a beta version manually at http://auctioneeraddon.com/dl/#preview.

If you arent going to use auctioneer to find items to disenchant you can do the old fashion search. The fastest way to look for highers items is looking for the JC rings/necklaces. Many people craft these to level their JC but have no use for them afterward. Instead of vendoring them they try to squeeze out a little gold on the  auction house. When Cata rings are made they gain random stats and name, but they still have the same disenchant percentages. For example Jasper Ring of Awesomeness and Jasper Ring of Suckiness are both 1-3 Hypnotic Dust and 1-3 Lesser Celestial Essence. Note: these aren't real ring names.

When searching for items to disenchant be sure to look up what they disenchant into here us.battle.net/wow/en/item. Just type in the item you are disenchanting. Some items may cost 40g on the auctionhouse but disenchant into 70g worth of mats.

Jewelcrafting and Disenchanting:

With Cataclysm came the new disenchantable rings/necks, but very different from the ones in wrath. Here's the break down of the 4 jewelcrafter crafted items that you may make gold on.

Jasper Ring
1 Jasper
1 Setting

Disenchant Stats
1-3 Hypnotic Dust
1-3 Lesser Celestial Essence
Alicite Pendant
2 Alicite
1 Setting

Disenchant Stats
1-3 Hypnotic Dust
1-3 Lesser Celestial Essence
Hessonite Band
2 Hessonite
1 Setting

Disenchant Stats
1-4 Hypnotic Dust
2-4 Lesser Celestial Essence
Carnelian Spikes
3 Carnelian
1 Setting

Disenchant Stats
2-5 Hypnotic Dust
2-3 Greater Celestial Essence
jaspers on my server normally average 8g each (you could just buy, cut, and sell to vendor for 1g profit). Jaspers are normally worth making into rings to disenchant, i have never lost gold investing into this.

Alicite are also around 8-9g on my server but it requires 2 to make the pendant which has the same disenchanting stats as jasper rings. When i tried making these i broke even. Most of the time its better just to cut them and vendor the cuts unless dust and essences are running ver high on your server.

Hessonite bands rely a little on luck and a lot on server prices. you only have the oppurtunity to get 1 extra hypnotic dust or 1extra lesser celestial then the jasper rings so your threshold for buying hessonites to make bands can be expressed in this equation. (1/2 x price of hypnotic dust) + price of Jasper.

Carnelian Spikes are also a server price deal. you'll want to find your minium and maxium profit to determine if it's something you will want to jump into. My Server Example: Hypnotic Dust = 9g per // Greater Celestial Essence = 40g per. So min/max for hypnotic dust = 18g - 45g. Min/max for greater celestial essence = 80g-120g. That makes my overall range 18g - 120g. It can be pretty hard to decide if its worth it but i have found that i get essences more often the dust meaning that anything under my min price for greaer celestial essence was worth the investment.

PS: im still looking for help on creating a drop down menu for the blog tabs so i can add these guides in.

1 comment:

  1. For me it was worth dropping skinning from one toon (I had max skinning on two) and adding JC. I leveled to 450 in a couple hours, and fairly cheap too--most of the mats for lower levels are cheap.

    A stack of Obsidium for 80g will give me 7-10 gems and about every third stack I get a random rare gem proc. I buy the ore in groups of 10, so I invest 800g or so at a time. From that investment I get enough gems to do the SW daily and cut a few of these items.

    Yesterday I was able to craft and disenchant my 10 stacks of ore to yeild 8 Greater Celestials, 29 Hypnotic Dust and 4 Lesser Celestials. Market prices were 51g for the Greater Celestials, 12g for the Dust and 16g for the lessers--or total of 820g, just over break even.

    However, I also proc'd two blue rings which sold for 175g and 335g, making my profit just over 500g.

    My experience is that this is scalable. I don't know where the sweet spot is on the curve yet but I seem to make more when I buy, cut, craft and re-list 30 ore stacks than when I use 10 or 20.
